The Canutillo Burrito

The Texas Story Project.

You know how there's a start and an end to Texas? The start would be Canutillo, Texas.

It is a good mix of rich and poor people since we all live in the same area. The rich people would be the farmers out there in the middle of nowhere. Then the cholos would also be out there in the middle of nowhere. It's pretty nice since we all just sort of blend in. Even though we all had our differences we all worked together. Everyone knows each other and it's a close-knit community. For example, if anything happens to anyone the whole neighborhood is there to help.

Canutillo has a great trust system in place and we all watch each other. The houses in Canutillo are always unlocked. If someone decides to go into an unlocked house that isn't theirs, someone's abuelita is gonna see them. The abuelitas always know everything that's going on.

I remember there were these teenagers driving around in a convertible. One of the guys dated a girl from our neighborhood and something happened. It was between them, but one night they were drunk and started throwing stuff. They didn't know about the neighborhood because if you mess with one bean, you have to take on the whole burrito. Someone comes out and begins yelling at the guy and they start fighting. Then everyone gets involved. It was pretty crazy. That goes to show that we all have one another's back.

In one-word Canutillo is humble.

I am currently a St. Mary’s University sophomore studying environmental science. Texas is a foreign place to me (originally I am from Arizona) so reading these stories helps give me an idea about the different towns near and far.

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