
Mistakes, murder, and a colony lost.

Experience the journey of the French ship La Belle as seen through the eyes of a young French boy setting sail for America in 1684.

By the age of 14, Pierre Talon had already survived his fair share of danger and hardship. He and his family had sailed aboard La Belle with René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, as the French explorer set out to colonize North America. After mistakenly landing in Texas, La Salle established a colony and sent Pierre to live with the Caddo and learn their language. Captured by the Spanish four years later, Pierre recounts the entire harrowing saga, from the moment the ships left France to the demise of La Belle, his life with the Caddo, the murder of La Salle, and the tragic end of the colony of Fort St. Louis. But, all is not lost...

Experience this journey in Shipwrecked, an original, multi-sensory film that features special effects that bring La Belle's voyage right to your seat. Shipwrecked shows daily in the Texas Spirit Theater. Appropriate for all audiences. 26 minutes runtime.